25 Red & white roses bouquet
This elegant wrap bouquet features 25 stunning roses, perfectly balanced with half red and half white blooms. The vibrant red roses symbolize love and passion, while the pure white roses represent purity and new beginnings. Wrapped in delicate tissue and tied with a ribbon, this bouquet is a beautiful blend of romance and elegance, making it a perfect gift for any occasion.
Substitution Policy: Please note that each arrangement is unique. No two arrangements will be exactly the same color, shape, height, etc. There could be substitutions of flowers and containers if necessary. Flower Substitutions: We will focus on matching the floral type but may substitute colors based on availability.If you have any special requests please contact us.
Next day delivery.
Life Garden Tx specializes in creating art with the beauty of flowers.
Life Garden Tx
1819 Chickadee Dr, League City TX 77573
(832) 562-3560
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